RAV 518NL / 3000 kg (H min. = 110 mm)
The minimum height from the floor guarantees easy and rapid positioning of the vehicle on the lift. The limited space required by the lift improves safety of the working area. Ideal for mechanical repairs, tyre shops and rapid fit facilities. It is also a good choice for service reception areas.
RAV 518T / 3000 kg (H min. = 95 mm) RAV 535 / 3500 kg (H min. = 100 mm)
Extra low version. The lift is an ideal choice for low ground clearance vehicles of all types and in particular for extra low spoilers. The lift is strongly recommended for vehicles with variable height, or damaged suspensions.
RAV 540 / 4000 kg (H min. = 135 mm)
High capacity model with longer lifting plates.